Wine and Your Health News for 11/25/2014

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Wine and Your Health: News of the Day – 10/15/2014

A new study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) by a large cohort of Spanish doctors and scientists found that the “Mediterranean diet”, like the diet frequently consumed by the French and other cultures throughout the Mediterranean area (think: French Paradox), is not correlated with the onset of metabolic syndrome, and in many cases actually reversed the condition in those experiences symptoms.


Metabolic syndrome, also known as insulin resistance or pre-diabetes, is a common health problem in modern times that can be caused by obesity, sedentary behaviors, stress, and poor diet.


Building on the idea that the Mediterranean diet, as evident in the so-called French Paradox, somehow protects against these diet and weight-related disorders, Spanish researchers found that in looking at just shy of 6000 patients that were at a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, a Mediterranean diet featuring extra virgin olive oil and/or nuts prevented the signs and symptoms of metabolic syndrome from occurring. Additionally, a Mediterranean diet featuring extra virgin olive oil and/or nuts was also associated with the reversal of metabolic syndrome symptoms in those patients already exhibiting these characteristics at the beginning of the study.


You may find the original article in CMAJ here.


Wine and Your Health: News of the Day – 10/14/2014

A new accepted manuscript in the journal Maturitas does a thorough examination of the effects of moderate red wine consumption on human health based on over 100 previously published research studies on the topic.

Is moderate wine consumption beneficial? Or does the alcohol negate any of the potential benefits shown? How does alcohol and specifically, wine, affect various systems and diseases of the human body?

This extensive review acknowledges that there are benefits and harm caused by varying levels of alcohol in the body at various points in life, however, based on the ample research out there, it can be concluded that in general, for some individuals, the benefits of moderate wine consumption outweigh the risks of the associated alcohol consumption.

The study ultimately recommends those that consume wine moderately should not be discouraged from doing so, and that physicians might consider educating patients about the benefits of moderate wine consumption if and only if they and their doctor feel that it is an appropriate therapy for their body and their life.

You may find the original article in Maturitas here.

Wine And Health News, Dec 18, 2012

Wine And Health News, Dec 14, 2012

Association is not Causation