Please click on the links below to read the full articles.

- Alcohol May Help Elderly Women Live Longer
- Students don’t use alcohol and drugs as often as peers perceive
Olives & Olive Oil
- Olive oil: What are the health benefits?
- Olive oil is our best ally against the cold, snow and frost
- Ingredient in Olive Oil Looks Promising in the Fight Against Cancer
Mediterranean Diet & Healthy Eating
- A new guide to what you should and shouldn’t eat to stay healthy
- Adopt a Mediterranean-style diet to protect your heart
- What Our Diet Is Doing To Our Brains
- Mediterranean diet can reduce risk of stroke
- DNA Damage Correlated With Low Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Men with Prostate Cancer
Photo by Flickr user muammerokumus ( Eat your fruits and vegetables. That’s a good way to help prevent cancer.
Nuts & Beans