Tag Archives: ethnicity

Effect of Diet on Type 2 Diabetes Risk Varies Between Ethnicities

There has been a lot of research on the effect of diet on risk of Type 2 diabetes in adults, a topic not unknown to us at The French Paradox (click here for some research we’ve covered). However, to

Photo by Flickr user candyfields29 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/25517428@N05/)
Photo by Flickr user candyfields29 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/25517428@N05/)

date, there has been very little examining possible ethnic differences in terms of adherence to the Mediterranean diet (or similar diets) and risk of Type 2 diabetes development.

As a result of this lack of information, a recent research study aimed to compare different ethnicities in terms of their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes after consuming various diets (including the Mediterranean diet).

Dietary adherence and Type 2 diabetes prevalence was measured for white, Japanese-American, and Native Hawaiian adults.

A total of 89,185 adults were recruited for this study, with 11,217 of them reported to have Type 2 diabetes.

Dietary patterns were assessed via several self-reported questionnaires.

Important Findings:

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